11 New Ventures


Persea Naturals LLC

A range of vibrant, natural food colorants derived from the seed of the avocado.

Intravent Medical

A medical device to improve bedside placement of intraventricular drains in neurosurgical intensive care patients by incorporating imaging technology.

Heliome Biotech, Inc

An orally delivered, tissue-selective drug that aims to combat fatty liver disease. Unlike similar therapies, the drug is not systemic or absorbed into the bloodstream, suggesting a much lower likelihood of side effects.

Helios Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals, LLC

A novel technology for the treatment of certain cancers and auto-immune diseases. Initial studies with cell cultures and mice show selective reduction of tumor cell growth, and appear to increase positive effects of FDA-approved therapies.

TEAMology, LLC

Holistic, schoolwide programming to decrease bullying and create more collaborative elementary-age environments. The program, Project TEAM, is a cost-effective curriculum and interactive web software that meets mandated requirements for bully prevention programs.

Boragen, Inc.

Next-generation fungicides to improve crop pest resistance and create more sustainable farming practices by mitigating fungicide resistance and reducing the amount of chemicals applied per acre.

Virolock Technologies

A unique, portable platform for advanced virus detection from field samples. The technology allows capture and enrichment of viral particles, while removing host and/or sample contaminants. The USDA has validated its use for plum pox, and the company expects forthcoming research to validate additional viruses.

Captis Diagnostics LLC

Development of a Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Analysis Instrument

Simplr Technologies LLC

Bringing Penn State Mobile Photography Technologies to Market

Ocunova Inc

Topical Naltrexone Treatment for Diabetic Dry Eye


Nanospec provides high performance, nanosecond, transient spectrometers to researchers at the leading edge of materials, biological, and chemical sciences.