During the commercialization process, numerous Penn State administrative units and community collaborators provide mentorship, advisement and entrepreneurship training.
Proof of Concept
Awards of up to $75,000
Commercial application/Prototype development
Collaboration with academic college research program
Proof of Relevance
Market potential assessed
Collaboration with Smeal College’s Farrell Center for Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Decide Commercial Path
License to Industry or
Start a company
APEX Program
Go-to-Market plan developed for promosing ventures by Smeal MBAs
Entrepreneurship Training
Based on Lean Startup Methodology
Venture Launched
Jumpstart Awards of up to $75,000
Office of Technology Management
Office of Entrepreneurship and Commercialization
Innovation Park
Law – Entrepreneur Assistance Clinic
Law – Intellectual Property Clinic
Smeal College of Business
APEX Program
Farrel Center for Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship